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Please explain why its not recommended to change default database position? I keep my programs on a different disc to my operating system because I use a small SSD.

Whiterabbit-uk, 05.03.2012, 07:54
Response from the site administrator
LignUp, 05.03.2012
Default database location is 'Documents' folder. By keeping it near your docs you'll remember where your DB is stored.
But it is possible to move DB in any place.
Idea status: under consideration


Arafurian, 05.03.2012, 10:51
The issue here is that computer companies either do not understand the difference between a 'recommendation' and a 'suggestion'. A 'suggestion' is a plan or idea put forward by one person for consideration by another person. By implication, the first person makes no judgment as to whether the suggestion will be good or bad for the second person. By contrast, a 'recommendation' involves the speaker making a judgment about the plan or idea, and deciding that it will be good for the other person.

Many software companies confuse these two words. Some companies - those with no sense of ethics - make self-interested 'recommendations' with no care as to whether their customers will benefit from their suggestions. They 'recommend' actions that will benefit only themselves, such as 'recommending that customers buy products that they do not want or need. Arguably, this kind of 'recommendation' is a form of robbery. (By way of an extreme example of this selfish recommendation, I seen one company (thankfully now gone) that 'recommended' actions that would put its customers at risk of being hacked, simply to save themselves the trouble of careful programming.)

Other companies (apparently including LignUp) make 'recommendations' with customer interests' at heart. There is a problem, however. Since they do not know their customers' individual circumstances, however, that cannot know whether their suggestions are good or bad, useful or harmful. This is not theft, but it is careless, potentially dangerous. As they say about doctors who issue prescriptions without doing an examination of the patient, 'prescription without diagnosis is malpractice'!

I urge software companies to offer suggestions and recommendations in the following ways:

--Suggestions to be offered together with an explanation as to why the suggestion is being offered. Example: "we suggest that you keep files in your Documents folder as an easy way of remembering where they are". (Implication: "there may be alternative or even better ways of achieving this goal, and if you can think of one, then good luck to you".)

--Recommendations to be offered as a good solution to a particular (named) problem. Example: if you wish to keep your database files with your other files, then we recommend that you keep them all in the one folder together, e.g. your Documents folder. (Implication: "if you experience the problem, then here is a really good solution".)

There are two reasons why it is in the interests of software companies to properly explain the reasons behind their suggestions and recommendations.

The first reason is that, by doing so, they will build credibility amongst their potential customers. To make 'recommendations' is easy, and any idiot can do it. To give good reasons for the recommendations is harder, and shows (a) that the company cares enough to put some thought into the matter; and (b) if the company cares that much, then it probably has also put some good thought into its products.

The second reason why companies benefit from giving reasons is this: giving recommendations without proper reasons makes the assumption that the customers are too stupid to know what they are doing - which is self-evidently not true. 'Customers' include the very smartest people in the planet! So a company that acts as if its customers are stupid does a stupid thing, and invites its customers to treat it as stupid in return!
Whiterabbit-uk, 14.03.2012, 17:37
Thanks fr the feedback Arafurian, much appreciated thta you took so much trouble to reply. The developer certainly didn't
Whiterabbit-uk, 05.03.2012, 11:03

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